The Drikung Garchen Institute is under the spiritual guidance of H. E. Garchen Rinpoche. The aim of the Institute is to offer teachings, seminars, daily meditation and meditation retreats that convey Buddhism as practiced in the Tibetan tradition in an authentic manner, and thereby create a foundation for Buddhism in the West.
If you would like to support us you can do it with a membership. The annual membership fees are a very important contribution for our work and for the future existance of the institute. As a member you will get reduction on the fees of all events and seminars which take place at the Garchen Dharma Institute.
The annual membership fee is € 180,- for corporate bodies (i.e. institutes, not-profit organizations etc.), € 120,- for simple membership and € 60,- for disciples, students, retired, unemployed or disabled persons as well as well-fare recipients.
Donations and membership fees are tax-deductible.
Download here the statute and here the membership application form as pdf-files. Please send the application form filled out to:
Drikung Garchen Institut e.V.
Florian-Geyer-Str. 10
D-81377 Munich